Recent publications

Dispersal of optimal foragers in a patchy environment: simulations with a mathematical model and tests of predictions in field experiments. Fauvergue X & Hopper KR. Ecological Modelling. Submitted.

Insect population dynamics under Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility: puzzle more than buzz in Drosophila suzukii. Auguste A, Ris N, Belgaidi Z, Kremmer L, Mouton L, Fauvergue X. PlosOne. In Press.

Biocontrôle et macro-organismes : panorama. Ris N, Borowiec N, Bout A. Debelle A, Fellous S, Le Ralec A, Moquet L, Ogier J-C, Rode, N-O, Van Oudenhove, L & Fauvergue X. Phytoma 2022 756 : 14-18.

Biocontrôle et macro-organismes: enjeux et réalité. 2022. Ris N, Borowiec N, Bout A, Debelle A, Fauvergue X, Fellous S, Le Ralec A, Moquet L, Ogier JC, Rode, NO, van Oudenhove L Phytoma 2022. 756 : 19-23.